The EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF Africa) has announced delivery of 30 vehicles (SUV) by the Italian Ministry of Interior, the main implementing partner, for use by the Libyan authorities as part of the EU border management programmes in Libya (worth €57.2 million).
Since 2017, the EU is providing support to increase the operational capacity of the Libyan Coast Guard (LCGPS) and Navy and the General Administration for Coastal Security (GACS) through the North of Africa window of the EUTF Africa in order to prevent further tragic losses in the Mediterranean and to crack down on migrant smuggling networks.
Libya remains the biggest beneficiary of the EUTF Africa North of Africa window, with a total value of €455 million in programmes and with substantial funding going to protection of migrants and refugees and community stabilisation, alongside actions for border management.
Border management programmes in Libya under the EUTF now amount to €57.2 million. So far, a series of technical trainings have been provided to 83 GACS staff on issues like navigation skills for ship management and diving to increase their capacity to save lives at sea, the courses including human rights.
The EUTF is also contributing to the basic infrastructure for the Libyan coast guards. Satellite telephones have been supplied to LCGPS and tenders for the purchase of 10 office containers as well as the purchase of 500 uniforms for the LCGPS have been launched.
(Source: EU)