The overall objective of this grant is to strengthen the Libyan democratic process through raising awareness on the significance of electoral processes among Libyan voters and increase their participation in municipal council elections.
Kindly refer to the Terms of Reference for more details.
The following documents must be submitted in English; submission of original documents in Arabic is accepted for the organization's activity and financial reports, as well as the valid legal registration:
1) Project Proposal Template;
2) Project Budget Template in Libya Dinar;
3) Organization's activity reports of past two years, or of 2017, 2018 if not available for 2019;
4) Financial reports of past two years, or of 2017, 2018, if not available for 2019, including financial expenditure, payments, income/outcome;
5) Curriculum Vitae of Project team; e.g. Project manager, Finance manager, project coordinators, etc;
6) Organization's bank account in Libya (accounts outside Libya are not accepted);
7) Organizational structure or organigram;
8) Valid registration or licence..
Only one submission per Group is allowed per organization. Once the application is complete and submitted, revised versions of proposal documents will not be accepted.
Proposals with supporting documents should be submitted to procurement.libya@undp.org according to the following deadlines:
Group 3: Sunday 20 September 2020, 12.00 a.m. EET.
Group 4: Sunday 27 September 2020, 12.00 a.m. EET.
Group 5: Sunday 27 September 2020, 12.00 a.m. EET.
Group 6: Sunday 27 September 2020, 12.00 a.m. EET.
For questions or queries related to submissions for this Call for Proposals, please e-mail procurement.libya@undp.org . Questions about Group 3 must be submitted no later than 17 September 2020, and for Groups 4,5, & 6, no later than 24 September 2020
(Source: UNDP)