Martin Kobler, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNSMIL Briefing to the UN Security Council on Wednesday:
Thank you, Mr. President. First of all, I would like to wish all who observe the holy month of Ramadan, I would like to wish peace, harmony, and serenity.
Señor Presidente, distinguidos miembros del Consejo,
Quisiera también felicitar a Bolivia por presidir el Consejo de Seguridad este mes.
Estoy aquí hoy para actualizar al Consejo sobre los últimos desarrollos en Libia. Hoy, me gustaría tomar un momento para reflexionar sobre el pasado antes de establecer nuestras prioridades para el futuro.
Mr. President,
When I came to Libya in November 2015, I continued the work of my predecessor, Bernardino León, who had patiently forged a political agreement after a year of diplomacy.
As mediators will know, concluding an agreement is one thing, implementing an accord is another.
In Libya, the transition process has not been fully implemented. Parallel institutions continue to exist. The House of Representatives did not yet recognize the Government of National Accord nor did it adopt the Constitutional amendment.
That said, the Libyan Political Agreement however, has changed the facts on the ground.
The Presidency Council has been working in Tripoli since 2016. Libyan oil production has exceeded 800,000 barrel per day, from 200,000 bpd few months ago. Da’esh, while still a threat, is a shadow of what it was just one year ago.
Most importantly, whether you are a Libyan from Benghazi, Tripoli or Sabha, the Agreement remains the greatest hope for a solution to the crisis in Libya.
The people of Libya desire peace;
They desire security;
They desire a country where their children have a brighter future.