Tag: Beda

Latest Oil Tenders

By John Lee. The National Oil Corporation (NOC) has advertised new tenders: Global Maintenance and Operation  Services Contract (GMOC) for ...

Latest Oil Tenders

By John Lee. The National Oil Corporation (NOC) has advertised new tenders: Rehabilitation and upgrading of Beda airport, Arabian Gulf ...

Latest Oil Tenders

By John Lee. The National Oil Corporation (NOC) has advertised new tenders: 24-inch Diameter pipes, Harouge Oil Operations Upgradinig electrical ...

Libya Targets Foreign Investors in "Vast" Reconstruction Drive

Latest Oil Tenders

By John Lee. The National Oil Corporation (NOC) has advertised new tenders: Tubing, Arabian Gulf Oil Company (AGOCO) Well heads, ...

New Oil Tenders

Latest Oil Tenders

By John Lee. The National Oil Corporation (NOC) has advertised new tenders: Construction of laboratory building at Sarir field, Arabian ...

New Oil Tenders

New Oil Tenders

By John Lee. The National Oil Corporation (NOC) has advertised new tenders: Construction of field accommodation blocks at Sarir Field, ...

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