Companies wishing to purchase the Tender Documents and intend to work jointly with another company (or companies) must produce a Joint Venture agreement, with the co-partners approved by the concerned government authorities, stipulating clearly responsibility of all parties jointly or individually, to carry out all work required of the subject tender (s), and nominating the legal authorized person to sign contracts or agreements on behalf of the partnership towards SOC.
Tender documents will not be sold for those companies not complying with this requirement.
-Tender documents can be purchased week days (Sunday-Thursday) during working hours during working hours (10:00 to 12:00 Libya Time) as from:
Sunday December 1st , 2013 until Sunday December 15th , 2013 .
For any information or clarifications please contact the following telephone numbers:
Direct phone & fax 00218 647630286 Mobile 091 327 0296 and e-mail:
or through telephone exchange 00218 61 2230216 - 25 ext 22053 & 22054. Mobile 091 327 0296
You can also visit SOC website ( and National Oil Corporation site (