-Bids must be in full compliance with the tender specifications and conditions provided with it. Any bids not in compliance will be ignored.
-Bids must be submitted in two separate well sealed envelopes and stamped by the Company’s official stamp. The project title & project reference number must be written on both envelops.
· The first envelop contains the Technical offer (1 Original + 2 Copies + One CD) and the Un-priced Commercial Tender (1 Original )
· The second envelope contains the Commercial offer (1 Original+ 1 copy).
-A certified cheque (Bid Bond) issued by a known bank operating in Libya, worth (0.5%) of bid price must be also submitted in a separate sealed envelope. Bid offers not containing certified cheqes will be rejected. Cheques will be cancelled and returned to unsuccessful bidders, after award of the bid.
-Winner of the bid must submit a certified cheque worth 10% of contract price agreed to, as a final insurance, within 10 days of notification of contract award and will be returned to the contractor after one year of completing the project. The initial (0.5%) cheque will be cancelled and returned to bidder.
-Bids MUST be delivered to the office of the Secretary of S.O.C Main Tenders Committee, at Marsa El-Brega.
-Companies interested in purchasing tender documents should present a letter authorizing their representative by name, to receive the document on behalf of the company, and copy of representative's passport including a copy of the entry stamp should be sent to SOC Main Tenders Committee 72 hours before arrival to Brega, in order to issue necessary Oilfield passes.
(Source: NOC)