Deutsche Bank said on Wednesday it had appointed the former interim CEO of the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA), Rafik Nayed (pictured), as vice chairman for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
Reuters reports that Nayed will report to Ashok Aram, Deutsche Bank's chief executive for the region, who commented:
“We are extremely pleased that Rafik has joined our regional management team in a key leadership role. His extensive experience in the financial, sovereign wealth management and energy sectors will play an important role and will positively contribute to the development of the bank´s MENA franchise across all businesses.
"He brings in a strong track record of accomplishments, a deep understanding of the region's economic and social opportunities, and a broad relationship network, which will continue to support Deutsche Bank's growth in this important region.”
Prior to LIA, Nayed was head of strategy and business development for Oilinvest Netherlands, and head of utilities and infrastructure at Amwal Investment Bank in Qatar.
(Sources: Reuters, AMEinfo)