Libya's National Oil Corporation (NOC) has issued the following announcement to all suppliers:
Please be advised that the date of receiving Pre-Qualification Documents is extended to 28/02/2015. However, any supply company who did not participated before can still send their documents before the end of extension date.
Any supply company who do not participate in this Pre-qualification will not be considered on our List of Suppliers and it will not be allowed to participate in any bidding after the 28th of February 2015.
Courier address as follows:
Head-Tender Committee (NWD)
National Oil Well Drilling & Work Over Company
Omar El Mukthar Street, Besides Libya Hotel,
Tripoli, Libya PO Box 1106 Tripoli.
Tel. 00218 3368740 – 42 connecting all dept.
Fax No. 00218 4446743
www//http: NWD-LY.COM
(Source: NOC)
(Tender image via Shutterstock)