This week has been extremely quiet on the political front, it’s understood that Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj visited Tunisia. In an interview discussing the formation of a steering committee to run the Libyan Investment authority and the control of the sovereign fund worth 60 billion dollars he added that all members of the Presidential Council and the parties involved in the political scene, including himself must make quick decisions, and that efficiency must be the only standard. The general situation in Libya both with security and economically, requires everyone to assume responsibility and complete their assigned tasks to set an example for all Libyans and for decision makers not to make decisions based solely on tribal and regional motives.
Members of Libya's eastern parliament voted on Monday to reject the U.N. backed government in the capital, Tripoli. The parliament has voted on the issue for the first time since January, when it rejected an earlier list of ministers put forward by the GNA's leadership.
The United Nations envoy to Libya, Martin Kobler, said on Friday that the Libyan Crises caused severe human needs in the country. He pointed to the existence of more than 2.4 Million people in need of help. In light of prevailing security situation in Libya, there are more than 300 thousand children currently out of schools and without education and over 305 thousand Libyans displaced inside the country. Moreover, there are more than 270 thousand migrants trying to flee the country with thousands more detainees held in detention centres.
Kick starting the Libyan economy, the National Oil Corporation said the Greek oil vessel “New Hellas” arrived on Thursday in Zueitina oil terminal, western Benghazi to load and transfer 620 thousand barrels of oil to Az Zawiya refinery in western Tripoli. The move is the first stage in a series that aims at remove 3.80 million barrels out of the Zueitina terminal where clashes are taking place between Dignity Operation and Petroleum Facilities Guard.
Tripoli and the west has seen an increase in armed clashes in the past week, most notably in the Abu Salem district with reports of armed vehicles and tanks that appeared on roads around the area including the airport road. Small arms fire and a number of explosions were heard across the city as skirmishes between the Militia Abdul Ghani Al-Kikli (also known as Ghneiwa) and the rival Abu Salem militia took place. In the Warshefana area, brigades from the west including Sabratah and Zuwara deployed on the costal road to demonstrate for the reopening of the road. Fighting broke out but was soon contained as village elders requested further dialogue between the two groups.
US forces conducted nine airstrikes in Sirte bringing the total to 74 sorties since the campaign commenced on August 1st. The weekend saw the strikes hit two supply vehicles along with numerous fighting positions. Libyan forces renewed their push on Sirte on Sunday, as the city’s main mosque and a jail run by the militants had been retaken. Reports suggest that they are close to capturing the city after a three-month campaign. At least nine brigade fighters were killed and 85 wounded in the weekend fighting. Aid and supplies have been moved into liberated areas of the town, organised by the Red Crescent.
In the east, Benghazi continued to dominate this reporting period with armed clashes and shelling mainly centred on the west of the city with LNA warplanes attacking the centre. The Libyan National Army says they have captured the European Hospital which saw 4 soldiers killed by a landmine. On Saturday, three of the main streets in Benghazi’s Gwarsha district saw heavy fighting with continuous sorties by LNA aircraft. Hospitals reported 5 LNA killed and 15 wounded in a clash against ISIS in Al Qawarishah. Derna has remained quiet as General Khalifa Hafter replaced the head and several members of the Omar Mukhtar Operations Room. It follows two attacks in the area recently, in which 12 LNA soldiers died.
Janus Global Operations continues to keep our permanent expat country management team on the ground in Tripoli supporting our client’s international and local personnel as well as critical infrastructure. We are also currently involved in working with many of our clients on their re-entry planning, security risk management surveys and political sector analysis. To discuss these services further please contact us on the details below.
Libya Security Report Subscription Service
Janus Global Operations Libya Security Summaries are only supplied to existing Libya clients and those who subscribe to our weekly reporting service. For further information on how to subscribe and our monthly costs, please contact our Dubai management team at The attached Libya security update has been produced by our Tripoli based in-country management team and covers the various security risks, recent incidents, political landscape and geography in both the west and east of Libya.
HEAT & Basic Life Support Two Day Training Courses
Janus Global Operations are now offering bespoke Libya oriented or generic MENA Hostile Environment Awareness & Basic Life Support Medical Training Courses in Dubai or your home country prior to deploying back into Libya, or in country training for those who require this service in Tripoli. Please contact our Dubai Head Office for more information on these courses at
For further information on all our services and for actual support on the ground in Libya please feel free to contact us 24/7 on +218 911713972 or +971 508764175 or visit our website