Statement of SRSG Ghassan Salamé to the Fourth Meeting of the African Union High-Level Committee on Libya
Brazzaville, Republic of Congo – 9 September 2017:
Mr. President of the Republic of Congo and Chairman of the High Level Committee of the African Union on Libya,
Distinguished Presidents members of the High Level Committee,
Mr. President of the Commission of the African Union,
Leaders and Parliamentarians of dear Libya,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
First of all, I would like to convey the warm greetings of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, who wants you to know, through me, his immense interest in the partnership between the United Nations Organization and the African Union and his determination to continue and develop our mutual support for peace and security on several currently enflamed areas.
On behalf of myself and the UN Mission in Libya, I especially thank HE President Sassou Nguessou for his personal commitment to conflict resolution and, in particular, for holding this large conference. Your recognized wisdom, Mr. President, and your long experience can only help to make the voice of reason, the sense of compromise and the urgency of agreement prevail.
It is not surprising that the African Union is turning its attention to one of its most active member states and is trying to help it emerge from the rut. Your High Level Committee is the very proof of solidarity of this great continent with the Libyan people in this difficult phase of their history. With you, we hope to pursue helping our Libyan friends to reserve for their children the peaceful and prosperous future to which they are entitled.
I would also like to commend the regular coordination between the United Nations, the African Union, the League of Arab States and the European Union within the framework of the Quartet for Libya which our four organizations have jointly established, as well as my very useful contacts with the neighboring countries of Libya.