Secretary-General Remarks on the Launch of the UN Strategy on Libya at the High-Level Event on Libya, New York, 20 September 2017:
Allow me before starting to say that I believe this meeting can have an historic significance.
When one looks at today’s situation in the world, we see protracted conflict situations everywhere. We see new conflicts that emerge or re-emerge, like recently in Myanmar. And we badly need to find solutions.
It is my deep belief that there is an opportunity for a political solution in Libya.
I do believe that we all need to come together – independent and sometimes different opinions, different perspectives, different interests - we all need to come together to make sure that this opportunity translates itself into a reality.
The Libyan people have suffered too much. The Libyan people deserve peace and to live in democracy and prosperity. But on the other hand, we are all aware of the impact of the Libyan crisis, [that there] has been a dramatic impact in the region and further afield, and that to solve the Libyan crisis must be a priority not only for the neighbours, not only for the African and European continents, but I would say for the whole world.
It is, I repeat, my deep belief that circumstances are now created in a way that allow for a solution to be possible. I don’t think we can miss this opportunity.
I want to ask all of you to commit very strongly to a common effort to make sure that we do everything we can to help our Libyan friends to come together and to find a future of peace, democracy, freedom and prosperity.
Thank you for coming together to coordinate efforts to bring peace and stability to Libya.