During a ceremony that took place today at UNDP Libya office in Tunis, his excellency, the Ambassador of Germany to Libya, Dr. Christian Buck and Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary General and Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Libya, Ms. Maria do Valle Ribeiro, signed an agreement increasing Germany's contribution to the Stabilization Facility for Libya (SFL) with an additional 1 million euro.
This increase, raised the funding committed by the German Government to the Stabilization Facility for Libya (SFL) to 11 million euros.. The Government of Germany helped prepare the launch of SFL back in August 2016, and has ever since been this initiative’s largest contributor and supporter.
At this event, Deputy SRSG, Ms. Maria Valle Ribeiro, highlighted the impact of the rehabilitation of SFL on the lives of the Libyan people. She also thanked Germany Government for its support:
“Libyans are struggling to keep electricity on. Not only families spend long hours in the dark at home, but also schools and hospitals face power interruptions, even during critical surgical operations. The Facility has fixed up power stations and installed solar panel in health facilities in various locations in the country.
"Now there are hospitals and clinics that can keep refrigerating medicines, attending patients and performing surgery with no power cuts. After SFL rehabilitations, children are back to school. The new ambulances provided by the Stabilization Facility are saving lives. All of this is possible, thanks to the support of countries like Germany.”
For his part, H.E. Ambassador Buck, stated:
“Together with the UN and other international partners, we support the Libyan Government in delivering much-needed services to the Libyan people. SFL support has achieved tangible results. Our new contribution increases this support.”
SFL is a multi-donor initiative led by the Government of the National Accord in Libya to build legitimacy among the Libyan population through providing quick rehabilitation of critical infrastructure, and boosting the capacity of municipalities.
In addition to strengthening the engagement between the central government and municipalities, supporting local authorities in taking a more active role in peacebuilding. Approximately, one million people are benefitting from SFL in Benghazi, Kikla, Obari, Sebha, and Sirte. Germany’s new contribution arrives at an important time, as the SFL is expanding its work to other locations in Libya, such as Bani Walid and Tripoli.
(Source: UNDP)