By John Lee.
The National Oil Corporation (NOC) has advertised new tenders:
- Inspection, repair and maintenance of tanks, Harouge Oil Operations
- Supply and install two automatic seamer machines for 4 liter oil cans, Azzawiya Oil Refining Company (ARC)
- Cleaning and sealing pavement cracks at Sarir Airport, Arabian Gulf Oil Company (AGOCO)
- Replacement and upgrading of PLC system at Tobruk Terminal, Arabian Gulf Oil Company (AGOCO)
- Replacement of two desalters and two oil heater at Nafoora CPS (non-unit), Arabian Gulf Oil Company (AGOCO)
- Install 2- phase production separator and three shipping pumps at GC-3, Arabian Gulf Oil Company (AGOCO)
- Study for water disposal system for the Hamada oil field, Arabian Gulf Oil Company (AGOCO)
- Roof Replacement & Renovation of Facilities Maintenance Workshop, Sirte Oil Company (SOC)
(Source: NOC)