Representatives from the Tebu and Zway tribes of Kufra District signed a Reconciliation Agreement after a two-day meeting in Tunis, organized by UNSMIL with the support of UNDP.
The agreement sets out key principles for reconciliation that include freedom of movement, individual accountability for crimes, and equal access to services without discrimination. Participants to the meeting also reviewed the progress made in the implementation of previous reconciliation agreements.
The Kufra district, south-east of Libya, has been suffering for years from political, economic and development marginalization, as well as repeated conflicts between Zway and Tebu tribes. This conflict has caused many casualties and damage to the property of both parties.
The Tebu and Zway tribes agreed to form a High Commission for Peace and Reconciliation in Kufra within one month. All social components in the region will be represented in this commission.
The representatives will be selected through a consultative process and in a transparent manner. Moreover, the participants called for the establishment of a neutral security force in Kufra to safeguard institutions. They also demanded social services and development projects in the area.
UNSMIL and UNDP, funded by United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) provide support to these reconciliation initiatives through capacity-building activities, advocacy and technical expertise.
The agreement signed in Tunis on 20 February 2018 is accessible here:
Reconciliation Charter between Tebu and Zway Tribes from Kufra
(Source: UNSMIL)