France invests Euro 1 million to support the safe return of IDPs in the Great Tripoli Area
The French Ambassador to Libya, Ms. Béatrice Le Fraper du Hellen, has signed an agreement with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative, Mr. Gerardo Noto, by which France commits Euro 1 million to support UNDP's initiative aimed at helping the safe returns of internally displaced persons in Greater Tripoli.
The initiative will be implemented by the Libyan Ministry of Interior for the demining and clearing of remnants of war and IEDs in affected areas of South Tripoli; to this end the Ministry of Interior will benefit from the delivery of equipment and vehicles and provision of training for the scientific police and civil protection unit in Tripoli to being able to carry out the clearing to allow IDPs return.
During the signing ceremony, Ambassador Le Fraper du Hellen stated it was:
"... key to support the GNA Ministry of Interior in its effort to ensure demining and the safe return of Libyans to their home in Tripoli. This contribution will also strengthen the safety of MoI personnel who operate in these affected areas of South Tripoli, risking their lives to bring stability back to Libya".
On his part, UNDP Resident Representative, Mr. Noto, said:
"The conflict in this country led to a significant loss of life and to the displacement of currently over four hundred thousand of Libyans. UNDP works to support people in Libya on their way to recovery, stabilization, and resilience ensuring that no one is left behind.
"With the support of France, we aim at helping the Ministry of Interior to recover war affected areas in South Tripoli to allow people's safe return. We are also supporting the overall reconstruction efforts by the Government of Libya to build back better and achieve the sustainable development goals"
UNDP and the Ministry of Interior will be implementing the initiative during the next seven months to allow over 200,000 people to return home in Tripoli.
(Source: UNDP)