120 Students Successfully Completed (Future Entrepreneurs) Bootcamp from Different Cities Across Libya
In cooperation with 6 CSOs from 6 different cities, 120 universities and institutes students attended a one-week training where they learned the basics of entrepreneurship, communication, and marketing skills to help them transform their ideas and start their own businesses.
The students showed great enthusiasm and passion for learning during those bootcamps, they worked on their business models and organised their ideas and marketing plan.
These boot camps were held in Tripoli with the cooperation of Hexa Connection, and in Sebha, organized by Sebha University and Ajumia Alwataniya leltanmia Almostadama.
In Alzawia, the bootcamps was organized by Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre and Masarat for Peace and Development.
In Benghazi these boot camps were organized by Fab Lab Libya and Almizan leltanmia with the cooperation of Benghazi University.
For the south, a Bootcamp was held in Wadi Etba organised by Alber wa Altagwa organisation.
Following these boot camps, a business plan competition will be held at the beginning of December to choose the best project across Libya.
This contest come within the framework of the EU4PSL project funded by the EU aiming to develop the private sector and build the capacity of young and women entrepreneurs in Libya.
(Source: EU)