The Mellitah Oil & Gas Company intends to issue the below tender and wishes to invite for pre-qualification interested, experienced and reputable companies specialized in providing similar services stated below to submit full electronic file including all requirements for inclusion in the bidders list to be invited to participate in the following tender:
TN 704 – Pest Control Services at Wafa Field
Scope of Work:
• Contractor shall keep free from insects and from rodent and dangerous small (as scorpion snakes, etc.) some areas located at Wafa Field.
• Contractors shell performs the control of insects (roaches, ants, termites, lice, fleas, etc.)At least two times per month or more if required to maintain the AREAOF OPERATIONS free from insects.
• Contractors shell performs the control of rodent and dangerous small animals (as rats, mice, scorpions, snake, etc.)in order to prevent any human disease and any damage to cables and to other utilities
• Contactor shell perform ,if requested in writing by Company ,the control of stray dogs and other wild animals in order to prevent any dangerous situation and human diseases .
• Contractor shall supply all labor materials and equipment necessary to complete the work in a safe and competent manner.